Through its spaces, its services, its offers, its mediation tools etc., the Louvre Abu Dhabi wishes to offer its public a “visitor experience” as qualitative as possible. The visitor experience and perception is the addition of all interactions and relations with the cultural institution and covers both the functional fields (what the visitor does, the services he uses) and the emotional field (what he feels). This visitor experience includes the entire visitor journey, the interactions and the identification of moments of truth.

How to present and explain the future visitor experience while the museum is still under construction?
Change the model. Be innovative. Consider that the visitor experience is a journey, from the first information you receive until your visit. Creation of a interactive platform developed as a website to illustrate the public policies of Louvre Abu Dhabi, its services. Used to train agents, it explains visitors’ itineraries and the services offered, visualize the circuit to better prepare the visitor experience and create a transversal internal communication tool.

© Agence France-Muséums. Jean-Michel Carré, Daphné Blouet.
Design: Studio LWA